GMAT Exam: Online VS Classroom Preparation

The GMAT (Graduate Management Admission Test) is a 3½-hour standardized exam which is designed to predict how test-takers will perform academically in MBA (Masters in Business Administration) programs. GMAT scores are used by graduate business schools to make admission decisions.

You might sometimes see the GMAT referred to as the GMAT CAT. The acronym CAT stands for Computer Adaptive Test. Actually, only two of the exam's four sections (Quantitative and Verbal) are computer-adaptive, meaning that during those sections only the test adapts to your ability level as you go.

Quantitative Test: - Quantitative Tests evaluates our numerical ability and problem-solving skills which defer according to the various tests like CAT, MAT, GMAT, etc.

Verbal Test: - Verbal aptitude tests evaluate our ability to spell words correctly, use correct grammar, understand the word meanings and interpret detailed written information.
Why On-line Classroom?
An Online the classroom is a teaching and learning environment where students can interact, exchange their ideas, communicate, view and discuss presentations, and engage with learning resources while working in groups, all in an online setting. The medium is often through a video conferencing that allows multiple users to be connected at the same time through the Internet, which allows users from virtually anywhere to participate.
There are several criteria that enhance On-line Classrooms more than ordinary Classroom preparation. These features show the difference between the topics. 

Convenient: Online education offers students the opportunity to study whenever it fits into their lives. This makes the student more convenient than an ordinary classroom by providing the opportunity to study when you’re feeling your best, letting students learn when their children are occupied or napping, and allowing frequent travelers to study no matter where they are, convenient online training has made it possible for nearly anyone to go back to school.

Interest: Online classrooms are actually a great entrance to the world of many interesting things. Online classroom maintains a drastic level of features such as more audible, learning through videos and music, the involvement of graphics, animations, and also PowerPoint. While going to the normal classroom, the students who have weaknesses in their skills may not even get the chapters well. Sometimes the lecturer with low sound may even make less audible to the student sitting backside of the classroom. Meanwhile, other cases like teachers with less teaching skill make the entire class give up their interest.

Flexible: Flexibility means that you can do your coursework around your work schedule and family life. Rather than needing to attend a 9:00am class every week, you can, for the most part, choose when you study, so long as you submit your work by the deadlines given.

Discipline: Discipline in the online classroom is referred to by gaining self-discipline to each and every student which makes our mind free from noises and all. In the case of Normal classrooms, we are all experienced with some irritating factors like the whispering of other students, noises from outside, etc. which all create an impact on our concentration towards the class.

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